Dave Jonson

Dave Jonson

Head of Development & Innovation


David leads the engineering development and innovation initiatives at BAR Technologies which focus on leveraging advanced analysis and simulation methods to optimise product performance and reliability.

Having graduated with a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, David’s professional career has largely focussed on the engineering of advanced high-performance structures and particularly those manufactured from composites materials.

David has been part of the design teams of a number of America’s Cup campaigns, competing in 2007, 2017 and 2021.


The estimated CO₂ reduction is based on daily savings per WindWing® of 1.5t fuel and 4.7t of CO₂ with annual utilisation of 280 days. For Crew Transfer Vessels (CTVs) the estimated reduction is based on a daily saving of 1t of CO₂ and observed vessel usage.

CO₂ reduction due to BAR Technologies
