BAR Technologies calls for immediate decarbonisation action as new Global Maritime Forum report warns shipping industry is falling behind on climate goals 

  • As the International Maritime Organization’s MEPC 82 discussions approaches, BAR Technologies pushes for wind propulsion to be formally included in shipping’s decarbonisation strategies
  • With just 12 months remaining to make meaningful changes, the window of opportunity to reach the 2030 target of zero-emission fuels is close fast

Portsmouth, UK, 26th September 2024 – As the Global Maritime Forum releases its 2024 report, “Climate Action in Shipping: Progress toward Shipping’s 2030 Breakthrough”, warning that the shipping industry is falling behind on its decarbonisation targets, BAR Technologies, a Wind Propulsion leader and an innovative simulation-driven marine engineering consultancy, is urging swift action to accelerate progress towards meeting critical climate goals. With just 12 months remaining to make meaningful changes, the window of opportunity to reach the 2030 target of zero-emission fuels comprising 5% of the global shipping fuel mix is rapidly closing.

The upcoming MEPC 82 discussions at the International Maritime Organization (IMO), being held between September 30th and October 4th, offer a pivotal moment for the shipping industry to align on effective solutions to meet its climate goals. Echoing the Global Maritime Forum’s call for urgent measures, BAR Technologies is urging the inclusion of wind propulsion in the Greenhouse Gas Fuel Intensity (GFI) formula.

“We strongly advocate for the inclusion of wind propulsion in the Greenhouse Gas Fuel Intensity (GFI) formula,” says John Cooper, CEO of BAR Technologies.

“Incorporating wind energy not only supports the maritime industry in its transition to sustainable practices but also reinforces the need for innovative, emission-free technologies. Our proven WindWings® technology stands ready to play a pivotal role in this transformation, providing reliable and measurable performance that aligns with the ambitious goals set forth by the IMO.”

As the report indicates, the next 12 months are critical for accelerating progress. BAR Technologies stresses that the combination of wind propulsion with scalable zero-emission fuels is key to meeting the industry’s 2030 and 2050 decarbonisation targets. Incorporating wind propulsion into the GFI formula would promote a more balanced approach to shipping’s decarbonisation, complementing the ongoing work with emerging zero-emission fuels. The company calls on the IMO to formally adopt wind propulsion into regulatory frameworks, recognising its vital role in driving the shift toward renewable energy in the sector.

WindWings® are delivered with a performance guarantee, and they are already proving to be a powerful solution for vessels seeking to cut emissions, with their availability for immediate deployment offering significant carbon savings for vessels, contributing meaningfully to the industry’s climate targets. The combination of wind propulsion and zero-emission fuels, BAR Technologies argues, is essential to transforming the maritime sector in a timely and cost-effective manner.

With the IMO set to discuss GHG reduction strategies during MEPC 82, BAR Technologies hopes to see strong support for the formal inclusion of wind propulsion in decarbonisation measures. The company emphasises that integrating scalable, proven technologies like WindWings® is vital to meeting climate targets while ensuring the industry’s future resilience and competitiveness. 

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